Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Journal 14 Declaration of Doughnuts

We the people, in order to have a more tasty breakfast, establish flavors, provide a delicious snack, promote drinking of milk, and secure the blessings of fryers to ourselves and our milk glasses; do hereby ordain and establish this constitution for the doughnut eaters of America.

The first rule of doughnuts is that you do not talk about doughnuts.
The second rule of doughnuts is that you DO NOT talk about doughnuts.
The third rule of doughnuts is that if someone says "no more" the breakfast is over.
The fourth rule of doughnuts is only two glasses of milk per doughnut.
The fifth rule of doughnuts is one doughnut at a time.
The sixth rule of doughnuts is no shirts no shoes.
The seventh rule of doughnuts is breakfast will last as long as it has to.
The eight rule of doughnuts is your first doughnut you have to eat it all.

Along with the original rules on how to go about eating there are also rules about how doughnuts have to act. Doughnuts are to be delicious at all times. Some sort of topping such as icing and or sprinkles must be on the top of it at all times. Although the topping is required, filling is an option. Usually it makes each doughnut better, but in some situations or combinations, the doughnut can actually become less delicious.

There are all sorts of different doughnuts. Some are circles, some are ovals, and some are even rectangular ovals. They are commonly known as long johns. The shape doesn't really matter to me, because they are all delicious. There are also doughnut holes, which are quite yummy in the right situation. I remember my first doughnut hole. It completely blew my mind. Before I had no idea what happened to the little middle part of each circular doughnut and then I found out that it was made into the little delicious snack that I have now come to love.


  1. I'm thinking I wanna be in this club.

    I was very impressed with your creative writing style. You took two totally different models, the preamble to the constitution and the rules of fight club, to create an all new Declaration.

    You supported the ideas of your club very well. You thoroughly convinced me about the general merits of doughnuts and all that that general area entails. Bravo, sir. Bravo.

  2. I do believe you stole something from the Movie or book called Fight Club. You should probably sight that next time to avoid serious punishment by the school and/or go to jail. Your support though however is brilliant because doughnuts are indeed quite delicious. I enjoy your point of no shirts no shoes no doughnuts. It is indeed true and your writing style is flawless. Excellent work compadre!

  3. This is extremely plagiarized. The rules are obviously lifted from Fight Club and Edward Norton would sue your face off if he ever found this.

  4. entertaining - while your colleagues are concerned that your declaration was derived from the rules of Fight Club, it is important to also realize that the Constitution of the United States was derived from the Iroquois Constitution. Several great political documents were derived from a similar document that has proven its effectiveness.
