Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Journal 35 I'm a Journalist

I think that it would be very interesting to be a reporter for a war, but also very dangerous obviously. It would be a great experience because being directly in the action is one of the best ways to obtain information about a story. One could truly begin to understand how soldiers feel and what they experience rather than just hearing someone talk about their experience. To me, I think that going to war is the type of experience that cannot necessarily be described completely in words. It is something that someone has to feel personally, which is most likely why journalist do go into the front lines of battle to get stories. It is a way to write articles that are completely genuine with true emotion caused by personal experiences. I also think that this would be a very dangerous experience. I think that fear is one of the strongest emotions felt, and going into battle would be the best way to truly feel the complete emotion of fear. Personally I could not imagine myself actually going over to a war zone as a journalist because I just wouldn’t be comfortable with my survival skills. There is some training given to reporters that go over to war zones, but obviously not as much training as the actual soldiers receive. I would feel a lot more comfortable as a soldier with more training and a firearm to use than simply relying on the protection of the soldiers that I am following. I know that they would do their best to protect me, but I would feel a lot better doing the protecting myself, just because I would much rather do things myself than rely on others to do it for me. In all honestly, I just cannot imagine myself actually going over to a war zone to do reporting, or doing any type of reporting for that matter. I have an immense amount of respect for those that do, because they are willing to put their lives on the line for their jobs.

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