Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Journal 24 My mind is playing tricks on me

There have been many times that my mind has played tricks on me. I think that it is actually human nature to imagine things and it just happens naturally all of the time. This goes all the way back to when we were I was in middle school. The one instance that I always remember was when I have some friends staying the night at my house. We were in the basement and at about twelve o'clock and we heard something coming from upstairs. It sounded like a door opening and then footsteps going across the house. A little freaked out by this, we decided to investigate. We went upstairs and looked everywhere. We found absolutely nothing and we checked all of the locks to make sure they were locked. We wen't back down to the basement and for a while were just hanging out. Then a little bit later, we heard the footsteps again. We were all in agreement that they were footsteps so we went up to check again. This time, my dad came out of his bedroom and told us that it was nothing and that we should just go back to bed. This instance really shows that our minds can make us believe anything. Obviously there were just sounds that the house usually makes but we made ourselves believe that it was the sound of a person that was in the house. One thing that may have caused this is that there was a large number of people. I think that when there are multiple people and an idea is sparked about something, it just snowballs and eventually everyone starts to believe it. It reminds me of Lord of the Flies with the kids think that there is a creature on the island. Who knows, maybe we would have ended up turning against each other and forming two different groups or become savages like the kids in the Lord of the Flies.

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