Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More on the preacher

In chapter eleven there is more reveled about the preacher, Casy. In this segment of the novel the family has a meeting to decide if Casy will be able to come with them to California. It is decided that he can come with them. This to me seems like a surprising thing. After all of the people like the bankers, the car salesmen, and the people buying the farmers possessions being awful as humans and just inconsiderate, it seems strange to me that the Joad family would still want to take someone extra. Everyone else is only looking out for themselves but the Joads do the noble thing and allow the former preacher of their church to come with them. Obviously Casy is extremely grateful of this. After this, Ma Joad goes to salt meat for the long trip they are about to make. The preacher offers to help with this and she tells him that he shouldn’t. She tells him that it is a woman’s job and he shouldn’t be burdened by it. He then refutes this by telling her that in the times they are dealing with there are not really jobs that should be taken on by one group of people. This part really stuck out to me and showed a lot into the character of Casy. It is another thing that really shows that there is still the mentality of a preacher left in Casy. It seems that he has very good intentions about everything and has a clear head when it comes to what is right and wrong. He also insists about helping out with work that someone like him would never do under regular circumstances, but he understands that they are not dealing with regular circumstances and that he should do whatever he can to help. Really this just shows that he is a noble man and a man of righteousness even though he tries to say he lost his faith.

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