Friday, August 20, 2010

Sadness and kindness

First of all I would like to say that chapter twenty is so long. It is like forty pages. I was really tired after reading in but there was quite a bit of good information in this section of the book. First, it is quite sad because the Joad family is not able to have a funeral service is something that would be really sad to do. I think that you would feel really bad if you had to do this because it does not really seem that you are doing your loved one justice if you do not give them a proper burial. The family ends up leaving the body at a coroner’s office. This is really another more depressing part of the story. It is offset by something done by Ma Joad though. She makes a pot of stew for dinner. Of course she first feeds her family because family is the most important thing in her life, but then there are leftovers. The smell attracts some very hungry kids and Ma Joad decides to give the rest of the food to the kids. This is one of the things in the story that add a little happiness to the story. If you think about it, she may have save the lives of those children’s lives because so many people are starving or close to starving to death. You can tell that they are starving because when they get the food they absolutely destroy what was left of the stew that Ma Joad made. I can imagine that the stew was delicious because it seems that Ma Joad would make all of her meals with love. Plus everyone has not really had anything to eat lately so I’m sure that anything would taste good. This chapter is a huge mix of good and bad. First there is something that would make a family feel that they have not done justice to their loved one, but it has a part of caring and kindness from the Joad family.

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